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  • More productive and interactive meetings

A good AV system in your meeting room can help improve productivity and interaction in a meeting. You can use your displays, for example, to show sales targets or key messages to your audience and engage their interest and attention.

Boardroom Solutions

Is the AV system in your company boardroom a reflection of your company's standards? Is it sophisticated and feature-rich yet userfriendly?


If not, then here's what to look for in a good AV system:



  •  Make a good impression on customers and other stakeholders

It’s always embarrassing when a meeting with a client starts late because you’re struggling to get your AV equipment to work properly. A reliable, high-quality solution will project a professional image to anyone who attends a presentation or meeting at your office.


  • Less embarrassment

How often has it occurred that an employee or guest needs to present and the system is not working or reliable? How much stress are these employees already exposed to having to do their presentation and then also have to stress over the AV system? Is it going to work? Will it run smoothly?


  • Transform any meeting room into an interactive space

Designed for medium to small meeting rooms, AV room units are quick and easy to install. They make it easy to turn any drab meeting room into an intimate, interactive space for collaboration.


  • No more meeting delays

A high-quality AV solution will be reliable as well as simple to configure and easy to use.  That means your meetings won’t start late because you need to call for a technician to help you every time you try to run a video or plug a notebook into a projector.


  • Comfort and convenience

Boardroom automation solutions can help to make your meeting rooms more comfortable places to be. For example, you can lower curtains or blinds from a touch panel if the glare of the sun is bothering you; you can easily control lighting and temperature settings from the same touch panel.


  •  Energy efficiency saves costs and carbon emissions

Older AV solutions are power guzzlers. With energy prices rising, today’s more energy-efficient solutions can save you money on your power bill. These newer products are energy efficient while in use and can be configured to switch off or go into standby when not in use. Once they’re in place, such systems help to drive cost savings through power efficiency and reduced wastage.

Contact us for a quote today!

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